ROME – The high temperatures of recent days are putting a strain on Italians.
But in this season, also paying the price are some products (from food to cosmetics) that can deteriorate more easily. However, it only takes a few small steps to extend their shelf life with significant savings, including financial savings.
The “secret” lies increasingly in the packaging, which, Elena Farrotto, head of research and development at Comieco, the national consortium for the recovery and recycling of cellulose-based packaging, explains to Adnkronos, “over the years have been transformed by becoming more and more functional.”
There are five rules to follow.
- Fruits and vegetables do not spoil more quickly in their original packaging: store the produce as you bought it, remembering to store it in the refrigerator if it was chilled when you bought it. These are “active packages that have ethylene absorbers inside that counteract rapid food spoilage,” Farrotto explains.
- Don’t be in a hurry to take products out of their packaging-the product will keep better in its original packaging, which is not just for transporting food home.
- Read carefully on the label: the expiration date on the package (both at purchase and of products stored in the pantry); instructions for storage and use, not only on products purchased for the first time, but also on regular products.
- Do not make cuts or holes in the package-the product must not breathe.
Use the indicated or provided holders to reseal the packaging once opened. This consumer information according to Farrotto “needs to be strengthened” as also for cosmetics “where the legislation is still little known.” Creams, for example, “have a Pao (Period after opening) icon, which is the result of a European directive since 2003 and indicates how many months the cosmetic maintains its characteristics after opening.”
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