Advertising market: September grows by 3.8 percent

The advertising investment market in the first 9 months of 2015 grows by 1 percent, also considering the web portion (mainly search and social) estimated by Nielsen. On the basis of the perimeter currently surveyed in detail, however, there is a 1.6% decrease compared to the same period in 2014 (70.7 million less) and a 3.8% increase for the single month of September.

“The last two months have fostered a significant market recovery, thanks to a total contribution of about 32 million euros”-said Alberto Dal Sasso, Advertising Information Service Business Director at Nielsen. “In light of this consolidation of the trend, we estimate that all media, with the exception of print and direct mail, can close the months between now and the end of the year in growth, positively impacting the overall 2015 market trend.”

Regarding individual media, TV grows by 6.6 percent in the single month, bringing the cumulative January-September period to -1.6 percent and confirming the trend of approaching zero for the rest of the year as well.

Newspapers return to negative terrain, registering a -3.6 percent in September and closing the 9-month period at -7.3 percent, as do Magazines, which lost 3.9 percent for the same period.

The radio medium continues to stand out with a very positive trend: +10.2% in September and +10% in the consolidated period.

Internet, relative to the currently monitored perimeter, grows by +4.6% in the single month of September (+4.6%), reducing the decrease over the 9 months of 2015 to -1.3%. Based on Nielsen’s estimates for total web advertising, thus adding the unmonitored portion of the market, digital would grow 9.1 percent in the January-September period.

The period is still negative for cinema, respectively at -14.8% in the single month and -2.3% in the cumulative, and for direct mail (-1.8% in September, -3.6% in the 9 months). The excellent momentum of the entire out of home world continues, which, again driven by Expo, closes on positive ground in January – September: outdoor at +4.1%, transit at +19.4% and out of home TV +9.5%.

As for the commodity sectors, 11 stable or growing sectors are reported, contributing about 91.1 million. For the top market segments, different trends are reported for the 9 months of 2015: growth in food (+4.9%, about 27.3 million) and pharmaceuticals (+5.1%, about 11.2 million) is contrasted by declines in finance/insurance (-6.4%, about 14.5 million), automotive (-1.5%, about 6.2 million) and telecommunications (-10.7%, about 28.3 million). The largest contributions to growth come from professional services (+20.9 percent), corporations/institutions (+10.4 percent), home management (+8.2 percent) and personal items (+3.8 percent).

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