Every delivery of an order implies unreserved adherence to the following general conditions. The weights of the products purchased may also include the outer packaging. Each order is considered a purchase premise and is concluded and final . Orders acquired by our agents bind us only after written confirmation and shipment. Our prices are set tax free . Our price offers have a validity period of 30 days.

The terms are given, unless otherwise specified, for information only. Delays cannot justify cancellation of the sale, rejection of the goods, or a claim for damages-interests. In the event that, for whatever reason, an order is not fulfilled within the agreed terms, and except for ultimatums, we nevertheless reserve the right to deliver the goods, obliging the purchaser to take delivery and pay the price on the terms originally agreed upon.

Our goods, even when shipped “free port” travel at the consignee’s risk. No clause specifying the conditions of shipment can contravene this rule .In case of shortages and failures, the consignee must absolutely make precise written reservations with the carrier, upon arrival of the goods , and confirm them immediately by fax or e-mail to TECNOBOX . In the house of factory pickup, the customer and his carrier has complete responsibility for the cargo in spite of our intervention which is disinterested. In particular, if our deliveries are made on exchangeable European pallets , in case the exchange does not take place for any reason, the pallets will be invoiced to the customer within 8 days of receipt.

All deliveries are made under reservation of title until full payment is made. Accordingly they, or parts thereof, may be recovered from the consignee if solvency is in question. Seizure of the goods, or similar measures by third parties , shall be reported immediately by registered letter . Notwithstanding this clause, the transfer of risk on the goods takes place upon delivery.

We do not accept any returns of goods without management’s written agreement and never freight collect. Unauthorized returns cannot in any way delay the payment of our invoices when due. No goods will be taken back beyond a period of 8 days after delivery. Prior to this deadline, goods taken back shall be credited with a valid deductible amount on another delivery at the price in effect at the time of delivery if the return is due to facts attributable to the principal.

Goods recognized as defective shall be replaced, in the event only of defects in raw materials or obvious manufacturing defects , to the exclusion of all other indemnities.
We do not guarantee the suitability of our standard products to perform the use to which the purchaser assigns them if different from those specified by us. Individual product certifications are displayed on our website and we do not guarantee different uses. If the goods have apparent defects, these must be reported to us by the buyer by registered letter or pec ( , under penalty of forfeiture, within 8 days of the date of receipt mentioned, or to the receipt given to the carrier. If the goods have been notably used by the buyer, no claim will be possible.

Our billings are established on the basis of our price lists and conditions . The place of payment is at the domicile of our company. Payments are due on the agreed terms even in cases of delay in the arrival of the goods or partial or total breakdowns or losses occurring during transportation, as well as in cases where the goods placed at the disposal of the buyer at the seller are not picked up by the buyer. Delay in payment entitles our company to suspend current supplies with immediate effect. In the event of late payment of the amounts referred to in the supplies and invoices, default interest as provided for in Legislative Decree 9.10.2002 No. 231 shall be due from the due date indicated in the invoice and in the absence of due date from the date of the invoice. The lack of payment of a single effect and a single invoice on its due date makes all our credits immediately payable even if not yet accrued.
In the case of reversed amount or discount or premium at the end of the year , even if included in the invoice, the non-payment of invoices or bankruptcy proceedings or at the limit bankruptcy petition during the year takes away the right to what has been granted or to be granted on all the turnover of the year and/or the period that could benefit from it. The buyer is forbidden to take reason from a claim against our company to postpone the settlement of a deadline totally and partially or to allege compensation. Our company is forbidden to accept any deduction made by the buyer except if it corresponds to a having established by our company. In the event that the insolvency of the debtor forces us to entrust the competent bodies with the recovery of the sums owed to our company , these shall be increased, in addition to the aforementioned default interest ,to the species incurred for the recovery.

Industrial, intellectual and artistic property rights:
The industrial property rights are the total and exclusive property of TECNOBOX S.R.L. and their communication or use within the sales relationship does not create with respect to them any right or claim on the part of the customer. The purchaser undertakes not to perform any act incompatible with the ownership of industrial property rights.
The graphic drafts , the plants useful for printing and the plants useful for the realization of a custom-made product , made by TECNOBOX SRL , even if partially or fully reimbursed by the purchaser, remain the property of TECNOBOX SRL .
The intellectual property of the artistic creations is not transferred with the supply of the products but remains the property of TECNOBOX SRL .

Customization of the goods ordered:
The goods with customization will be made on the basis of the information and indications communicated by the purchaser; in particular, in case of request for customized products with trademarks logo, etc., the purchaser declares that he has the right to the use and full use of the same, relieving as of now TECNOBOX s.r.l. from any liability arising from any violation of the protection guaranteed to them. In particular, the purchaser explicitly relieves TECNOBOX s.r.l. from any liability for damages that may be caused, as a result of the use of the trademark (or logo, etc….), to third parties as a result of the putting into production and consequent use of the products by the same purchaser. Consequently, the purchaser expressly declares, as of now, to assume and accept any responsibility pertaining to the use of trademarks (or logos, etc…) that he will have affixed to his own customized products, as well as assumes and accepts, as of now, any claim for damages that should be brought by third parties to the detriment of TECNOBOX s.r.l., obliging himself, also, to compensate the same for any injury and/or damage that he should suffer for any violation of the protection guaranteed to the trademarks (or logos, etc…) used by the purchaser.

TECNOBOX s.r.l. assumes no responsibility in case of sending incorrect information by the buyer.
The intellectual and/or industrial property of the information and all possible material sent by the buyer for the realization of the customization of the ordered goods remains the exclusive property of the buyer.

In the event of a dispute, the Court of Palermo shall have sole jurisdiction, even in the case of multiple defendants or appeal under warranty .

Dear Customer, Pursuant to Article 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679 of 27/04/2016 ( Ex Art.13 Legislative Decree n.196/2003 ),
hereinafter referred to as RGPD (General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data ),

We provide you with the following information:
The data you provide will be processed in paper and electronic format to perform services arising from contractual, accounting, and tax obligations, as well as for commercial purposes unless you expressly refuse.
II provision of data is optional, but refusal to provide such data may result in partial or total inability to provide our services.
The regulations for the management of personal data can be consulted in its entirety on the website
II data controller is : Marcello Trapani as sole director of Tecnobox S.r.l. – Via Galileo Galilei , 23 – 90044 Carini (PA)
II responsible for data protection is : Simona Trapani available at the same address
At any time you may make questions or requests for information to the person responsible for data protection , as provided by the articles of law currently in force.