Embossed vacuum bags – for external vacuum cleaners

Vacuum Embossed Envelopes, born for food use, are used to vacuum pack through external vacuum cleaners, ideal for in vacuum packaging of Fish, Meat, Vegetables.
Article Product Description Size Conf. U.of Sale
45105120400G S/V ENVELOPES 120X400 T105G (100 PCS) 120×400 mm. 1600 100
45105150200G S/V ENVELOPES 150X200 T105G (100 PCS) 150×200 mm. 1600 100
45105150300G S/V ENVELOPES 150X300 T105G (100 PCS) 150×300 mm. 1600 100
45105150400G S/V ENVELOPES 150X400 T105G (100 PCS) 150 x 400 mm 1600 100
45105160250G S/V ENVELOPES 160X250 T105G (100 PCS) 160×250 mm. 2400 100
45105160600G S/V ENVELOPES 160X600 T105G (100 PCS) 160×600 mm. 2400 100
45105200250G S/V ENVELOPES 200X250 T105G (100 PCS) 200×250 mm. 1800 100
45105200300G S/V ENVELOPES 200X300 T105G (100 PCS) 200×300 mm. 1600 100
45105200350G S/V ENVELOPES 200X350 T105G (100 PCS) 200×350 mm. 1200 100
45105200400G S/V ENVELOPES 200X400 T105G (100 PCS) 200×400 mm. 1000 100
45105250300G S/V ENVELOPES 250X300 T105G (100 PCS) 250×300 mm. 1000 100
45105250350G S/V ENVELOPES 250X350 T105G (100 PCS) 250×350 mm. 1000 100
45105250400G S/V ENVELOPES 250X400 T105G (100 PCS) 250×400 mm. 1000 100
45105300400G S/V ENVELOPES 300X400 T105G (100 PCS) 300×400 mm. 800 100
45105300350G S/V ENVELOPES 300X350 T105G (100 PCS) 300×350 mm. 800 100
45105350400G S/V ENVELOPES 350X400 T105G (100 PCS) 350×400 mm. 600 100
45105350450G S/V ENVELOPES 350X450 T105G (100 PCS) 350×450 mm. 600 100
45105400500G S/V ENVELOPES 400X500 T105G (100 PCS) 400×500 mm. 400 100
45105400600G S/V ENVELOPES 400X600 T105G (100 PCS) 400×600 mm. 400 100
45105450600G S/V ENVELOPES 450X600 T105G (100 PCS) 450×600 mm. 400 100
45105500600G S/V ENVELOPES 500X600 T105G (100 PCS) 500×600 mm. 400 100
45105550700G S/V ENVELOPES 550X700 T105G (100 PCS) 550×700 mm. 200 100
NOTES We can make envelopes of any size and thickness.
Possibility of printing up to 4 colors.

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