Heat Sealing Coils

Heat-sealing film for polystyrene trays, usable on all packaging machines suitable for this type of packaging

31433PET 12 my + CAST 45 my anonymous190 
60 microns
31435PET 12 my + CAST 45 my anonymous220 
60 microns
31457PET 12 my + CAST 45 my anonymous340 
60 microns
31462PET 12 my + CAST 45 my anonymous390 
60 microns
31461PET 12 my + CAST 45 my anonymous450 
60 microns
31463PET 12 my + PE 40 my PELABLE450 
60 microns
 PET 12 my + PE 48 my PRINTED*  
60 microns
*for polypropylene containers; custom printing possible for minimum order of 600kg, delivery in 60days

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Discover all the advantages of our cardboard trays: totally customizable, practical , versatile for a thousand uses and environmentally friendly for the preservation of the environment!

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