Paper ramekins

Paper ramekins to be used for serving individually sweet or savory mignons. available in different sizes and shapes, possibility of customization with your logo or graphics of your choice from 20,000 pieces

ArticleDescriptionDimensions cm.Confez.
21102Round ramekins art. 224×16,5 2.000
21103Round ramekins art. 331×18 2.000
21104Round ramekins art. 435×21 2.000
21105Round ramekins art. 540×21,52.000
21106Round ramekins art. 644×232.000
21107Round ramekins art. 750×252.000
21108Round ramekins art. 858×272.000
21109Round ramekins art. 970×212.000
21149Round ramekins art. 14057×422.000
21009Oval ramekins art. 926x56x17 2.000
21013Oval ramekins art. 1328x78x24.5 2.000
21024Rectangular ramekins art.2435x93x31 2.000

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